No, I won’t be staying in Gib

watergardens highrise gibraltar
Gibraltar view from our friend's flat in
Watergardens high rise flats.
Now that Sailorman hubby has received his Yachtmaster license, I’ve been reading a lot of yachtmaster sailors' personal websites. (research into the sailing world and how to put hubby's website together at

I love how all the active sailors have their current location prominently displaced on their web page. With just a few hours of web surfing, I’ve sailed around the world and into the most exotic places.

With exotic island dreams in mind, I decided that I would post my current location: Not in Gibraltar

sunset gibraltar high rise
Sunset view of the rock from our friend's flat in Gib
It was one month ago today that I arrived in Gibraltar on a Monday evening. At start of business day on Tuesday, Sailorman and I commenced to find a flat for me to stay in either Gibraltar or across the border in Spain, in La Línea de la Concepción (La Línea).

After a few phone calls to real estate agents, walking around Gib, discovering limited rental availability, expensive rent and the constant flow of tourists and panhandlers, a sharp right angle decision was made that we needed to find a different place for me to live.

I would not be happy living in Gibraltar. But in the moment, I was looking at the options to find a place in Gibraltar, or not have a place to stay. I took the option of not having a place to stay and prayed for a miracle.

gibraltar rock marina
The Rock. Gibraltar Marina
Over the following 24 hours, I discovered the community of sailors is not much different from any other community of professionals. We put out the word we were looking for some place outside of Gib, then let it go. We waited and knew that whatever needed to come will come.

Through a friend of a friend that my husband made during his yachtmaster training these last three months, we were offered to rent a small flat in a little village in Spain, just north of Gibraltar.

Sailorman made the arrangements with the owners of the flat, who happen to run Trafalgar Sailing school in Gibraltar. A day later, it was confirmed that we could rent the flat for short term. On Thursday morning, Sailorman and I rented an incredibly small car, threw all of our stuff into the back seat, and headed about 40 kilometres north to meet the owner of the flat. She asked us when we would be moving into the place? We said as soon as we arrive.

Fortunately, the flat is adorable. The village fits me exactly and Sailorman can go back to the Gibraltar marina to work, knowing that I'm very content in my current living space.

jimena de la frontera view
From the flat, my view of Jimena de la Frontera.

Morning walk to the base of the mountain village of Jimena de la Frontera.

Current location: Jimena de la Frontera in the province of Cádiz, Spain

Considering a visit or stay in Gibraltar? Have some advice for anyone visiting the area? Comment it here.


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